Early childhood education

Business Model Description
Upgrade school facilities and provide teacher development for nurseries and KG1/2
Expected Impact
Improve the educational and cognitive, social and emotional development outcomes for children under the age 5
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Country & Regions
- Jordan: Countrywide
Sector Classification
Development need
Sustainability Development Report 2019: score of 78 on SDG 4 (Quality Education), with 'Significant challenges remain'; and score 62.5 on SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), with 'Challenges remain'; with “Major Challenges Remain” subscores prevalent across indicators (1). The unemployment rate reached 23% in Q2 2020 (2).
Policy priority
The Education Strategic Plan 2018 – 2022 targets an increase in KG1 enrollment rate from 35% to 52% and for KG2 from 59% to 80% by 2022 (6).
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
The influx of more than 1.3 million Syrians has placed extra demands on the education system and labor market. In 2019, the unemployment rate reached 25.6% among males, and 78% among females holding undergraduate or higher degree (4).
Investment opportunities introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic has set a need to adapt and to develop online and blended learning solutions. Strong and significant policy momentum for investment in online learning in schools and universities: national strategies and current government plan emphasize education as a priority sector (5).
Formal Education
Policy priority
Early childhood care and education have been recognized in the political and educational agenda in Jordan. The Government, with the help of international donor agencies, has launched reform initiatives and programs to develop and enhance children’s education. (6b)
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Jordan has some of the lowest indicators in the world on labor force participation, productivity, and gender equality due to chronically low female labor force participation rates, which represent a high cost to the Jordanian economy and a missed opportunity cost that negatively impacts the GDP and results in a loss of return on public spending on education. (6c)
Pipeline Opportunity
Early childhood education
Upgrade school facilities and provide teacher development for nurseries and KG1/2
Business Case
Market Size and Environment
In 2019, an estimated 600,000 children were in 3-5 years age range, signaling major demand
Population growth will continue to generate demand for education. In 2019, an estimated 600,000 children were in 3-5 years age range (16)
Government's plan to make KG2 compulsory generates additional demand.
Indicative Return
20% - 25%
Societal / economic return on early childhood education is very high with an estimated return of between $ 9 - $ 20 for every $1 invested (14)
Investment Timeframe
Medium Term (5–10 years)
Based on consulted benchmark projects, the projected investment timeframe is expected to be between 5 and 10 years
Market Risks & Scale Obstacles
Market - Volatile
Capital - Requires Subsidy
Impact Case
Sustainable Development Need
Only 3% of children attend nurseries, 13 % KG1 and 59% KG 2 (9), while 1.4 million children under 5 years (14%) are in need of nurseries and KGs (10) and 2800 KG2 classrooms are needed to reach all 5-6 year olds (11)
Poor quality and teaching facilities, no standard curriculum, physical environment and learning material in many KGs and nurseries in Jordan is sub-standard
Quality early childhood development services is linked to increase of up to 25% of household income (12)
Gender & Marginalisation
A 2015 survey of Jordanian mothers found only 2% of children aged 3-48 months were enrolled in nurseries, which limits women's employment opportunities. (17)
Low level of enrollment in early childhood education one of main obstacles for greater female labour force participation
Expected Development Outcome
Increase in the number of children enrolled in early childhood education
Increase in household income
Gender & Marginalisation
Increase in participation of women in labour market and lower absenteeism rate for employees
Primary SDGs addressed

4.2.1 Proportion of children aged 24-59 months who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being, by sex
4.1.2 Completion rate (primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education)
Secondary SDGs addressed

Directly impacted stakeholders
Indirectly impacted stakeholders
Gender inequality and/or marginalization
Outcome Risks
Unequal access could lead to increased inequalities within society
Impact Classification
The greater access to early childhood education will ensure better educational outcomes and facilitate female labour force participation.
All children in Jordan until age of 6 years (elementary school age) and their families.
Breadth of impact could be affected by low quality of teacher training, available infrastructure and legal landscape as well as affordability.
Impact Thesis
Improve the educational and cognitive, social and emotional development outcomes for children under the age 5
Enabling Environment
Policy Environment
Early childhood education is a priority both in the Education Strategic Plan 2018-2020 and National Strategy for Human Resource Development 2016-2025
Government is moving towards compulsory KG2 by 2020 to improve education outcomes
Financial Environment
Other incentives: There are no specific tax or other incentives for private sector early childhood education services
Regulatory Environment
Early childhood education consists of 3 levels: nursery, KG1 and KG2. Nursery and KG1 level is overseen by Ministry of Social Affairs and with private sector delivering most services. MOE oversees KG2 covering quality assurance, licensing and oversight.
Related national plans/strategies include clear indicators related to KG and nursery enrollment and short and long-term targets.
Marketplace Participants
Private Sector
Ministry of Education
UNICEF, World Bank
Target Locations

Jordan: Countrywide
- (1) Sustainable Development Report 2019.
- (2) Department of Statistics, 2020, Unemployment Rate (http://dosweb.dos.gov.jo/19-0-the-unemployment-rate-during-the-second-quarter-of-2020/)
- (3) Ministry of Education, 2018, Education Strategic Plan 2018 – 2022.
- (4) Human Rights Watch,2017, Jordan: Secondary School Gap for Syrian Refugee Kids.
- (5) Prime Ministry of Jordan. Official Reports. (2020). Available online at: http://www.pm.gov.jo/category/7603/?????.html
- (6) Ministry of Education, Education Strategic Plan 2018-2022. 6b) Omayya M. Al-Hassan (2018) Developments of early childhood education in Jordan, Early Years, 38:4, 351-362, DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2018.1512562 6c) USAID (2020). Final Report: USAID/Jordan Gender Analysis and Assessment, page 8.
- (7) Ministry of Education, Education Strategic Plan 2018-2022.
- (8) National Growth Plan 2018 -2022.
- (9) UNICEF, 2019, Early Childhood Development Project, Private Investor Brochure
- (10) Department of Statistics, 2020
- (11) Jordan's Way to Sustainable Development: First National Voluntary Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda, 2017
- (12) UNICEF ibid
- (13) Ministry of Education, Education Strategic Plan 2018-2022
- (14) Queen Rania Foundation, 2017 Economic implications of investing in early childhood care and education in Jordan, Working Paper 1
- (15) Queen Rania Foundation, ibid
- (16) Queen Rania Foundation, ibid
- (17) QRF Fact Sheet (2017). Early Childhood Care and Education in Jordan.